Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Cookies

Legal Notice, Privacy Policy and Cookies

Webpages Property

All contents of the website, including as such, for the purpose of being enunciative, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software and other audiovisual or sound contents, as well as their graphic design and source codes (hereinafter referred as for “Content”), are considered intellectual property of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Ciências) and Universidade de Évora or of third parties, without which any of the exploitation rights recognized by the rules in force regarding intellectual property on them can be understood as being assigned to the User, except those that are strictly necessary for the use of the website.

Privacy Policy 

This Privacy Policy regulates the processing of the personal data belonging to Users collected by Ciências and Universidade de Évora, from the website and Geoportal of the Research Infrastructure CoastNet, and reflecs the institutional commitments and diligences towards the privacy and the processing of User’s personal data.

The provision of personal data for navigation is subject to express knowledge and acceptance of the following conditions included in this Privacy Policy.

1.Collection and Processing of Personal Data

The Director of Ciências is responsible for the processing of personal data belonging to Users.

Website and Geoportal Usage

The website and Geoportal access and navigation do not imply the provision of personal contact details. However, for the website, filling the contact form by the User, which is optional, presupposes the provision of personal contact data. The data provided will be treated exclusively under the terms and for the purposes described herein.

The following data are collected regarding visits and navigation on the CoastNet website and Geoportal, and are subjected to processing and monitoring: number of Users; type of search performed; and data consulted; age; genre; User interests by category; new visitor or visitor with history; browser type; connection type; mobile phone type; User who visited on various devices (e.g. mobile phone, desktop, tablet); custom variables in the URL; User navigation and origin of the visit.

Contact details

The personal data required to fill out the contact form are name, email and the institution or company name, if applicable.

Personal data retention

Personal contact details will be kept as long as it is necessary to maintain the link between MARE and interested Users. The data related to visits and navigation on the CoastNet web page and Geoportal will be stored as long as the Infrastructure remains active.

2.Collection and Processing of Personal Data: additional information

Ciências and Universidade de Évora handle personal contact data for the purpose of responding to contact requests, or to requests from interested parties, who may, at any time, withdraw their consent for the processing of personal data.

Ciências and Universidade de Évora handle data related with the CoastNet website and Geoportal visits and navigation, to analyze traffic and gather information regarding an important number of indicators referring to their use, through Google Analytics.

The legal basis for the processing of the personal contact data and data related to visits and navigation of the CoastNet website and Geoportal results from the User’s express consent, under the terms of paragraph a), from the nº1 of art. 6º of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016.

3.Communication of Personal Data

Ciências and Universidade de Évora will not transmit the Users personal contact data and from visits and navigation of the CoastNet website and Geoportal to third parties.

4.User rights

In accordance with the applicable legislation, Users may request, at any time, access to their personal data, as well as its rectification, elimination or limited processing. The User may exercise these rights directly be sending an email addressed to the responsible for the data controller:

5. Claims

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial action, the User is entitled to submit a complaint to the National Dara Protection Commission or other control authority in accordance with the law, if they consider that the processing of their data by Ciências and the Universidade de Évora at any time breaches the applicable legal framework.

6. Questions

Any question related to the processing of the User’s personal data and the exercise of their conferred rights by the applicable legislation, namely regarding those referred to in this Policy, may be sent to the following address:

7. Changes to personal data processing terms

Ciências and Universidade de Évora may change this Privacy Policy at any time. These changes will be properly communicated and subjected to consented acceptances.

Terms and Conditions of Use of the CoastNet website and Geoportal


The User commits himself to make correct use of the CoastNet website and Geoportal, in compliance with the law and present conditions. The User will answer to Ciências, Universidade de Évora, third parties, or judicial authorities for any damage and losses that may be caused.

It is expressly forbidden to use the CoastNet website and Geoportal for purposes harmful to the goods or interests of Ciências, Universidade de Évora or third parties, or that in any way overload, damage or render unusable the networks, servers and other hardware or products and the software applications.

2. Contents

The User undertakes to use the Contents in accordance with the law and this legal notice, as well as with all other conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable.

In accordance with current legislation, with a purely enunciative character, the User shall not:

(I) Reproduce, copy, distribute or make available, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Content, except in cases authorized by the Law or expressly permitted by Ciências and Universidade de Évora or by who owns the respective exploitation rights, as the case may be.

(II) Reproduce or copy, for private use, Content that may be considered as software or database in accordance with current intellectual property legislation, as well as publicly communicate or make available to third parties when such acts necessarily imply their reproduction by the User or third parties.

(III) Transmit unsolicited or authorized advertising, advertising material, “spam mail”, “message chains”, “pyramid structures”, or any other form of solicitation.

(IV) Disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that involves the violation of the confidentiality of communications and the legislation on the protection of personal data.

3. Use of brand

The use of any word mark, graphic or mixed, or any other distinguishing mark of CoastNet within the sender’s website is prohibited, except in cases expressly authorized by Ciências and Universidade de Évora.

Cookies Policy

The Cookie is a text file that is automatically stored in users’ web browsers, which retain information related to browser preferences and which do not include any type of personal data. The cookie allows to determine the usefulness, interest, and number of uses for those websites, allowing for faster and more efficient navigation, and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information

Cookies may be classified into two groups: session or persistent. Session cookies expire automatically when you close your web browser. Persistent cookies remain in your web browser until they expire or are eliminated. The obtained information is used to analyze traffic patterns and identify problems to provide the best possible navigation experience.

The CoastNet website and Geoportal use their own- and third-party cookies, namely Google Analytics, to collect and retain information. These help to analyze the Users navigation on these sites and the information generated (including the IP address) will be directly transmitted and archived by Google on servers in the United States; with the only purpose of being used for reports of website or Geoportal activity or other services related to website activity and internet usage.

Web browsers allow users to manage their cookies. Users can configure their device settings to accept all cookies, know when a cookie is set or never receive cookies. You can deactivate the cookies function through the web browser at any time, usually in the “Preferences” or “Tools” menu. See the “Help” menu for further details on configuration in your web browser. Please note that by completely turning cookies off, some/all features of the Website may no longer be available.