The Infrastructure

CoastNet will obtain and integrate different types of coastal data, making them available for a wide range of users. This research infrastructure will integrate near real-time satellite data from the Portuguese coast; autonomously collect in-situ environmental and biological data from three Portuguese estuaries; and implement a wide array of biotelemetry acoustic receivers able to register the geographic position of tagged animals.

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The CoastNet Research Infrastructure
CoastNet will provide raw and processed data obtained through this RI functioning and historical datasets, either for immediate visualization or for download.
Web-based CoastNet platform

The web-based platform of CoastNet incorporates the access to data and products available to scientists, technical officers and general public. This platform provides a combination of historical and real time data, from different sources such as in-situ sensors and satellites. Visualization of datasets are available through the geoportal and differentiated access permissions are supported.
This line of action will be coordinated by Paula Chainho.

Portuguese Tracking Network

Ongoing international collaboration with the European Tracking Network (ETN) resulted on the use of a common data portal provided by VLIZ (Flanders Marine Institute) that congregates the information gathered by local European tracking arrays, including national networks like PTN. This tool increments the spatial scale of the research that is being conducted on aquatic animal movement

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